A great option for patients who live far away or prefer a telemedicine option, Live Oak Health now offers Online Chinese Medicine and Nutritional Consults and follow-ups. Starting with the basic information that you offer in your online paperwork, Lauren will then evaluate your pattern via Zoom and prescribe a treatment protocol that may include medicinal foods, movement therapies and a combination of Chinese herbal formulas and nutraceutical supplementation that is shipped directly to you from the supplier . The frequency of follow-ups depends on the individual.
Chinese Medicine Online Consult - $110
Chinese Medicine Online Consult Follow-up - $55
About Herbal Pharmacy
Chinese Herbal formulas are synergistic combinations of 2 to over 20 individual herbs. They are prescribed in amazing specificity to each person’s full presentation, not by 1 or 2 symptoms alone. Five people could come in with headaches and each one would get a different formula! Herbal medicine is an excellent way to keep your treatments working for you non-stop in between office sessions.
Prescriptions are available in many different forms such as tinctures and teas, capsule, topical, or vape.
Quality nutraceuticals (professional grade nutritional supplements) are a very important part of a treatment protocol. These will likely be part of your optimal health prescriptions.
Additionally, 100% Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils are combined into Chinese Herbal Formula analogs as another very powerful tool of a healthful lifestyle.
Frequently Asked Question
What happens in the herbal consultation and how much is it?
● The initial consultation for new herbal patients is an involved process, typically about 1.5 hours! Lauren will do a detailed examination of your health history and current symptoms and find out whats going on inside by looking at your tongue and feeling your pulse. This leads to your Chinese Medical diagnosis and the definition of your treatment plan. You'll receive your first prescription plus nutritional and supplement recommendations ==> your individualized treatment plan.
● This initial appointment is $100
● Follow-up sessions last about an hour and include a check-in of your progress on the formula. We decide if we are going to stay the course or change the protocol.
● These sessions are $50
Herbal Medicine 101
From a Doctor of Chinese Medicine
Rachel Ray Show on YouTube